
We make healthcare simple.

Get in touch
Teleomed is a consulting group specializing in health, design, and hardware.
We combine 60+ years of clinical experience with cutting-edge technology.
From Bogota to Maputo, our team builds solutions that have been used in 50+ countries.
Our team prefers taking action to taking meetings and iteration to lengthy specs.
From mobile ultrasounds to low-cost microscopes, our team has decades of experience working with medical devices.
Our approach leverages the power of data to test assumptions and validate solutions.

Our mission is to improve the health of vulnerable populations by empowering patients and providers with well-designed tools. We are a passionate, multidisciplinary team of doctors, engineers, and scientists united by a goal to make health technologies cheaper, better, and more accessible. We are guided by the belief that by focusing on the patient-provider relationship, we can build systems that foster patient engagement, enable earlier interventions, and promote better outcomes.

Looking to prototype a medical device or improve your clinical workflow? Drop us a line.